Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
30th World Congress on Nutrition & Food Sciences, will be organized around the theme “Promoting the New Dimensions of Nutrition and Food Science”
Nutrition Summit 2019 is comprised of 20 tracks and 96 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Nutrition Summit 2019.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Food Additives
- Track 1-2Food Bioactivity
- Track 1-3Dietary Management
- Track 1-4Nutritional Benefits
- Track 1-5Food Toxicology Prevention and Control
- Track 2-1Biological and Food Process Design
- Track 2-2Food Ingredient Technology
- Track 2-3Human Sensory Systems and Food Evaluation
- Track 2-4Food Grading
- Track 2-5Fermentation Technology
- Track 3-1Global Nutritional Challenges
- Track 3-2Nutrition Education
- Track 3-3Nutritional Science
- Track 3-4Bio-Availability and Bio-Equivalence Studies
- Track 3-5Food and Nutrition
- Track 3-6ADME Studies
- Track 4-1Food Sampling
- Track 4-2Membrane or Filtration Microbiological Tests
- Track 4-3Microbial Biopolymers
- Track 4-4Fermentation in Food Processing
- Track 4-5Other Microbiological Tests
- Track 5-1Nutrition Properties of Probiotics
- Track 5-2Complications of Enteral Nutrition
- Track 5-3Methods of Delivering Enteral Nutrition
- Track 5-4Health Benefits of Probiotics
- Track 5-5Role of Probiotic in Allergic Diseases
- Track 6-1Bioactive Nutraceuticals
- Track 6-2Pharmaconutrition
- Track 6-3Phytochemicals: Nutraceuticals and Human Health
- Track 6-4Probiotics and Nutraceuticals
- Track 6-5Marine Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
- Track 7-1Nutrient Bioavailability
- Track 7-2Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease
- Track 7-3Trace Elements in Human Nutrition and Health
- Track 7-4Health Policies & Implementation
- Track 7-5Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health
- Track 8-1Plastics in Food Packaging
- Track 8-2Developments in Food Packaging Technology
- Track 8-3Biodegradable Polymers for Food Packaging
- Track 8-4Sol–Gel Based Application in Food Packaging Technology
- Track 8-5Antimicrobial Food Packaging
- Track 9-1Clinical Malnutrition
- Track 9-2Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health
- Track 9-3Enteral Nutrition
- Track 9-4Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Track 9-5Nutrition Physiology
- Track 10-1Freezing and Food Safety
- Track 10-2Shelf-Stable Food Safety
- Track 10-3Canning and Home canning
- Track 10-4High Pressure Processing of Food
- Track 11-1Effects of Feed Ingredients on Livestock Nutrition
- Track 11-2Basics of Livestock Nutrition
- Track 11-3Adding vitamins for improved health
- Track 11-4Dairy products
- Track 11-5Nutrition from Animal Source
- Track 12-1Implication of Milk Products in Food-Borne Diseases
- Track 12-2Global Estimation of Food Borne Diseases
- Track 12-3Listeria monocytogenes, as a Food-Borne Pathogen
- Track 12-4Ptomaine Poisoning
- Track 12-5Botulism
- Track 13-1Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- Track 13-2Nutraceuticals & Medicinal Foods
- Track 13-3Nutrition & Cardiovascular Health
- Track 13-4Role of Nutrtition in Human Life Cycle
- Track 14-1Nutrition and Food Safety
- Track 14-2Nutrition through Life Course
- Track 14-3Food Engineering
- Track 14-4Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds
- Track 15-1Nutrigenetics
- Track 15-2Telomere and Nutritional Status
- Track 15-3Nutritional Epigenetics
- Track 15-4Genome Damage and Nutritional Deficiency
- Track 16-1Importance of Nutritional Therapies
- Track 16-2Plant Nutrition and Nutraceuticals
- Track 16-3Nutrition in Cancer Treatment
- Track 16-4Medicinal Foods and Probiotic Nutrition
- Track 16-5Nutritional Epidemiology
- Track 17-1Toxicology of Tannins and related Polyphenols
- Track 17-2Metabolism and Toxicology of Selenomethionine
- Track 17-3Toxicology of Tryptophan in food
- Track 17-4Amino acid Racemization in Alkali-treated Food Proteins
- Track 17-5Food Irradiations
- Track 18-1Dietary Supplements
- Track 18-2Oral Nutritional Supplements
- Track 18-3Innovative Human Therapeutics
- Track 18-4Nutritional Epidemiology & Malnutrition
- Track 18-5Herbal Supplements
- Track 19-1Natural systems for Food waste management and treatment
- Track 19-2Energy Content of Municipal Solid Waste and its Potential Utilization
- Track 19-3Geoenvironmental Engineering For Food Waste Management
- Track 19-4A Life Cycle Approach to the Management
- Track 20-1Food Allergy
- Track 20-2Food Safety Assessment
- Track 20-3Food Intolerance
- Track 20-4Food Contaminants
- Track 20-5Food Waste Disposals